Category Archives: Afghanistan

Letter to German Federal Minister of Justice

On December 21st, the Presidents of the 4 European Associations of Judges (Association of European Administrative Judges, AEAJ; the European Association of Judges, EAJ; Judges for Judges and Magistrates Européens pour la Démocratie et les Libertés, MEDEL) drafted a letter concerning the precarious situation – with specific risk of death – of judges, prosecutors, lawyers and human rights activists in Afghanistan.

The letter was sent to the German Federal Minister of Justice. Continue reading Letter to German Federal Minister of Justice

Brief van NVvR en RvR over situatie (vrouwelijke) Afghaanse rechters

Op 17 augustus 2021 hebben de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Rechtspraak (NVvR) en Rechters voor Rechters in een gezamenlijke brief [klik hier (pdf)]  aan de vaste Kamercommissies voor Defensie en Buitenlandse zaken aandacht gevraagd voor de precaire situatie waarin met name Afghaanse vrouwelijke rechters zich bevinden.

In deze brief staat onder andere: Continue reading Brief van NVvR en RvR over situatie (vrouwelijke) Afghaanse rechters

Judges for Judges on the recent developments in Afghanistan


Judges for Judges took notice with great concern of the recent developments in Afghanistan. Judges for Judges publicly supports the recent calls for international support by the International Association of Women Judges (IAWJ), by the UN Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers and by the International Association of Judges (IAJ). Continue reading Judges for Judges on the recent developments in Afghanistan