All posts by Redactie

Call to respect human rights of detained judges and prosecutors in Turkey

Judges for Judges and three other European Associations of Judges together form the Platform for an Independent Judiciary in Turkey. This partnership has published a letter with an appeal to the respect of basic human rights of detained judges and prosecutors. It gives special attention to the dramatic case of judge Sultani Temel, who has been imprisoned with her five-year-old daughter for years now.

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Human Rights Commissioner calls for stronger defense of judicial independence

The Council of Europe’s Commissioner for Human Rights Dunja Mijatović issued a Comment on 3 September 2019, titled ‘The independence of judges and the judiciary under threat’. Judges for Judges warmly endorses her call to “be stronger, more resolute and more vocal in defending the rule of law and the independence of the judiciary”.

Niek van de Pasch

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