All posts by Redactie

Statement on forced retirement of Supreme Court judges in Malawi

For the second time in less than a week, Judges for Judges and three Commonwealth legal associations have issued a statement on the rule of law in Malawi. They express the most serious concern at the purported ‘leave pending retirement’ of the Chief Justice and Judges of the Supreme Court of Appeal.

In their new joint statement they call on the Malawi government to ensure that due process is followed in line with the national constitution and its international obligations.

Statement on threats against judiciary in Malawi

Judges for Judges, the Commonwealth Magistrates’ and Judges’ Association, the Commonwealth Legal Education
Association and the Commonwealth Lawyers Association are extremely concerned about the continued threats to the independence of the judiciary in Malawi.

In their joint statement published online, they urge all parties in Malawi to respect the authority of the judiciary and ensure that due process is followed in line with the Malawi constitution and its international obligations.

Unprecedented disciplinary hearing for Polish judge

‘Today Tuleya / Tomorrow You’

The controversial Disciplinary Chamber of the Supreme Court of Poland has scheduled an unprecedented hearing: Judge Igor Tuleya stands to lose his immunity and his freedom. The Polish Judges Association Iustitia calls on the public to stand up in defense of judicial independence on June 8th, the day before the hearing.

Please join the online event Europe for Poland (in English) on Monday 8 June at 16:00 CET on Facebook or YouTube.

The president of the International Association of Judges has also issued an official statement, representing 92 national associations of judges expressing their deepest concern about these proceedings.

Continue reading Unprecedented disciplinary hearing for Polish judge

‘EU Court’s ruling on Polish Disciplinary Chamber has much broader effect’

Krystian Markiewicz

‘The decision not only clearly prohibits the Polish government to illegally repress judges, by suspending the so-called Disciplinary Chamber, but has a much broader effect – it should close the way for abuse of the arbitrary recognition of the elections validity’, says the president of the Association of Polish Judges Iustitia professor Krystian Markiewicz.

Continue reading ‘EU Court’s ruling on Polish Disciplinary Chamber has much broader effect’

Verslag zitting ‘interim measures’ Polen

Katrien Witteman, Paweł Paweł Juszczyszyn, Monika Frąckowiak en Joanna Hetnarowicz-Sikora

Op maandag 9 maart 2020 zat Katrien Witteman, rechter in de rechtbank Limburg, op de publieke tribune bij het Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie in Luxemburg. Zij woonde met een aantal andere rechters uit Polen, België, Noorwegen, Turkije en Nederland de ‘interim measures’-procedure bij die door de Europese Commissie was aangespannen tegen de Republiek Polen in het kader van de inbreukprocedure C-791/19.

Continue reading Verslag zitting ‘interim measures’ Polen