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Benoeming Poolse opperrechters mogelijk in strijd met Europees recht

Hoog Administratief Gerechtshof (Adrian Grycuk)

Poolse rechters die worden afgewezen voor het Hooggerechtshof kunnen die afwijzing laten toetsen door een Europees gerecht, ook als de nationale Grondwet of het Constitutioneel Hof elk beroep uitsluit. Dat heeft het Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie op 2 maart bepaald. De Raad voor de Rechtspraak in Polen beoordeelt sollicitaties namelijk niet politiek onafhankelijk. Deze uitspraak zet de benoeming van ruim 40 rechters in het Hooggerechtshof onder president Andrzej Duda op losse schroeven. Minister van Justitie Zbigniew Ziobro noemt de uitspraak ‘onaanvaardbaar’.

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Geuzenpenning 2021 voor Małgorzata Gersdorf


De voormalig president van het Poolse Hooggerechtshof Małgorzata Gersdorf krijgt de Geuzenpenning 2021. Dat heeft de organisatie op 29 januari bekendgemaakt. Deze stichting is opgericht door voormalige Nederlandse verzetsstrijders die actief waren in de Tweede Wereldoorlog. De Geuzenpenning is bedoeld om hedendaagse vrijheidsstrijders en mensenrechtenactivisten eer te bewijzen en te steunen.

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Online seminar: March of a 1000 Gowns 1 year later

Source: PAP

On Monday 18 January 2021 an online seminar will be held under the title: ‘The judiciary: possible ways of development. March of a Thousand Gowns a year later.‘ Several judges and presidents of judges’ associations will discuss the state of the judiciary and the rule of law. All interested can join this Zoom meeting from 19:00 CET.

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Virtual relay race from Warsaw to Luxembourg

One year ago on Saturday 11 January 2020 Judges for Judges participated in the Silent March of the Thousand Robes, in the defense of the Rule of Law, as European judges in solidarity with our Polish colleagues. It was a historical day.

Unfortunately the Rule of law situation in Poland is still grim. We therefore would like to share an initiative of Polish Judges Association Iustitia inviting judges, lawyers, prosecutors, legal counsels, notaries, but also citizens defending democracy and human rights to take part in this virtual relay race for the Rule of Law and covering at least a distance of 1 km running, marching, walking/Nordic walking, cycling or cross-country skiing. Please click ‘Continue reading‘ for the – simple – instructions.

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Third party intervention in Strasbourg case Tuleya v. Poland

Judges for Judges and Professor Laurent Pech have submitted a joint third party intervention before the European Court of Human Rights in the case of Judge Igor Tuleya.

The case of Tuleya v Poland concerns the multiple disciplinary proceedings initiated against a Polish judge, who is well-known among the judges and by the public at large for his defence of the rule of law in Poland.

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Polish lawyer: ‘obvious attempt to put pressure on judges’

Przemysław Radzik (

The Polish Disciplinary Commissioner of Judges Przemyslaw Radzik opened an investigation into the judges who withheld the enforceability of all preventive measures taken against lawyer Roman Giertych. In a hearing on 3 December, the same bench will handle the case on the merits. ‘This is an obvious attempt to put pressure on the court’, says his defence attorney Jakub Wende.

A story by Magdalena Gałczyńska for Onet.

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Petition in support of Polish judges

The Polish legal system has been deteriorating for five years. These developments encourage politicians in other European states to limit judicial independence as well. The ‘1000 Robes March’ in Warsaw on 11 January 2020 proved that we are one European magistrate’s family defending the rule of law. The Polish Judges Association IUSTITIA now continues this mission through an online petition to the European Commission. Judges for Judges calls on all European magistrates to sign this letter in support of our colleagues.


Statement on disciplinary verdict against Judge Tuleya

The Disciplinary Chamber of the Polish Supreme Court has waived the immunity of Judge Igor Tuleya, suspended him from all judicial duties and cut his remuneration by 25% on 18 November 2020.

The interim measures of the Court of Justice of the European Union have been blatantly ignored in order to continue these unlawful activities. Serious irreparable damage to Polish judges has already been done and the chilling effect on the Polish judiciary is now increased even further.

Seen the gravity of the situation, Judges for Judges and three European Associations of Judges and Prosecutors, in a new joint statement call upon the Council of the European Union to clearly and unequivocally uphold the fundamental value of judicial independence in the European Union and its Member States, and therefore to urgently respond to the Polish rule of law crisis and make sure that the government of Poland veers away from the previously chosen path and takes all appropriate steps to restore and respect the independence of the judiciary.

Third party intervention in Strasbourg case Żurek v Poland

Waldemar Żurek (by Jakub Włodek)

Judges for Judges and Professor Laurent Pech have submitted a joint third party intervention before the European Court of Human Rights in the case of Judge Waldemar Żurek.

The case of Żurek v Poland concerns the premature termination of a judge’s mandate as a member of the National Council of the Judiciary, his dismissal as spokesperson for that organ, and the alleged campaign to silence him.

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