All posts by Redactie

Word actief!

Rechters voor Rechters zoekt nieuwe mensen om een aantal landenteams te versterken en om vertaalwerk te verrichten. Word nu actief!

Inmiddels is het aantal landen waar RR zich mee bezig houdt flink uitgebreid. Dit betekent een groei aan activiteiten voor de stichting. Om zich actief te kunnen blijven inzetten voor de rechters-in-problemen in de verschillende landen heeft RR meer menskracht nodig.

RR zoekt op dit moment specifiek naar:

  • iemand die het (met name virtuele) secretariaat kan komen versterken;
  • mensen die zich willen bezighouden met de situatie van de rechterlijke macht in Polen;
  • mensen die het (zo mogelijk ook juridisch) Arabisch machtig zijn;
  • mensen die het (zo mogelijk ook juridisch) Turks machtig zijn;
  • mensen die het (zo mogelijk ook juridisch) Georgisch machtig zijn;
  • zij zullen met name worden gevraagd om artikelen op internet/tweets te scannen op interessante informatie voor onze Stichting en deze zo nodig te vertalen. Ook mensen die (slechts) incidenteel vertaalwerk willen verrichten worden van harte uitgenodigd om zich aan te melden. U hoeft geen officiële opleiding te hebben genoten.

Als hier iets bij zit dat u aanspreekt of als u zich anderszins actief zou willen inzetten voor RR, dan kunt u ons een berichtje sturen via het emailadres [], zo mogelijk onder vermelding van kennis over, ervaring met of interesse in een land of regio waaraan u aandacht zou willen besteden.
Indien u rechters en/of raadsheren kent die geïnteresseerd (zouden kunnen) zijn in het werk van de Stichting, schroomt u dan ook niet om hen over ons werk in te lichten.

Polish Rule of Law is not lost yet !

fullsizerenderBlog (English translation) by J.W. Fokkens, former Attorney General of Dutch Supreme Court & C.H.W.M. Sterk, member Dutch Council for the Judiciary.

Between 5th and 7th October last we visited Warsaw with a group of about fifteen people, as part of a program by the Dutch Academy for Public Administration (NSOB). During this visit we met with prof. Andrzej Rezplinski, president of the Constitutional Court, and seven other judges, among whom was also Darius Zawistowski, chairman of the Polish Council for the Judiciary.

The things our Polish colleagues told us troubled us to such a degree that we feel the need to openly express our concern and share it with the legal community.

The president of the Constitutional Court rose to address us. He spoke softly, clear and to the point, but also dazed, as if he could still not believe what he was about to say. Every time when, during this speech, he touched upon a violation of the constitution, he waved the small booklet he held in his hand: stressing again and again that he would remain loyal to the Constitution, because that is the anchor of any judge under the Rule of Law.

He started out his speech by pointing out that for the last year, Poland has been ruled by Jaroslaw Kaczynski, even though the latter is nominally only a member of the Polish Parliament. This means that the president, prime-minister and all the members of government abide by the commands and whims of this strongman. Every week, they come to his house to receive their instructions (violation of the Constitution). Kaczynski is a great admirer of the German legal philosopher Carl Schmitt, who is controversial for his initial support to the regime of Adolf Hitler. In Schmitt’s worldview, the Sovereign is central, he expresses the will of the nation, and therefore should –in short- have all the power in a State. Based on these ideas, Kaczynski operates without regard for the principles of the Rule of Law, the separation of powers or an independent judiciary (violation of the Constitution). Kaczynski uses all his power to wage war – a word prof. Rezplinski used repeatedly – against the independence of the judiciary (violation of the Constitution). His goal is to destroy that independence and reshape the judiciary into an instrument loyal to his nationalistic political agenda (violation of the Constitution).

Continue reading Polish Rule of Law is not lost yet !

Interview met Tamara Trotman in Hofplein

Rechters zijn er voor iedereen. Daar weten we alles van… Maar zijn zij er ook voor rechters?

Een aantal bevlogen rechters is dat in elk geval wel. Zij zetten zich in voor collega’s in het buitenland, die in moeilijkheden zijn of dreigen te komen vanwege hun werk. Wij weten allemaal wat er in Turkije is gebeurd, waar na de mislukte coup in juli – onder meer – duizenden rechters zonder enige vorm van proces zijn ontslagen en vastgezet. Maar ook in Venezuela, in Oekraïne, in Servië, in Swaziland, in Suriname (om een helemaal niet uitputtende opsomming te geven) is het nog niet zo eenvoudig, ja zelfs gevaarlijk gebleken om het rechterlijk vak onafhankelijk en onpartijdig uit te oefenen…

Klik hier
om het hele interview in Hofplein (nieuwsbulletin van het Gerechtshof Den Haag) te lezen.

Open letter of the European Judges Associations to the Turkish Society (Avrupa Yargıç Derneklerinden Türk kamuoyuna açık mektup)


European Association of JudgesR4RMedel


On 7th of November 2016 the Turkish newspaper Sabah wrote that the European Association of Judges and named European national judges associations and individual European judges were supporting terrorists.

Nothing could be further away from the truth: The European Association of Judges and its national member associations have condemned the failed coup right after it occurred and continued to do so. A military coup can never be acceptable in a democratic society and in a state under the rule of law. Those responsible for the coup must be brought to justice.

Continue reading Open letter of the European Judges Associations to the Turkish Society (Avrupa Yargıç Derneklerinden Türk kamuoyuna açık mektup)

Murat Arslan, president of Yarsav, the dissolved Association for the Union of Judges and Prosecutors, arrested!

Murat Arslan, president of Yarsav, the dissolved Association for the Union of Judges and Prosecutors, arrested!

Urgent message from his lawyer:

“My Client, The President of Association for the Union of Judges and Prosecutors, Mr. Murat Arslan was arrested in the early morning yesterday. Although we could obtain some information from the Prosecutor’s office, we were not given the legal right to visit our client in custody of the police. We call attention of the inteimg_3728rnational NGOs and sensitive individuals to take action against the operation which is another instance of vicious chains of the present oppression in Turkey. Association for the Union of Judges and Prosecutors had been the only free and independent voice of more than 1500 Judges and Prosecutors. As it had been summarily shut down by a decree-law, now it is time for the oppressive government to arrest its leaders for no reason! Our Client must be speedily interrogated by the Prosecutor and taken to the nearest court and released. We shall continue to be vigilant and intervene! We ask solidarity for Murat Arslan #solidarityformuratarslan “

Prof. Dr. Öykü Didem Aydın, Attorney at Law,
Associate Professor, Hacettepe University Law School, Department of Constitutional Law
Member, Executive Committee, Hacettepe Research Center for Bio-Ethics
Substitute Member, Council of Europe, Venice Commission
Director, Hacettepe Research Center for Medical Law
President, Lawyers and Human Rights Defenders Without Borders

Press conference Platform for an independent Judiciary in Turkey


European Association of JudgesR4RMedel



Europe, 30th September, 2016

Press Release

The « Platform for an independent Judiciary in Turkey » composed of all four European judges associations invites the members of the international press to a press conference on:

The situation of the Turkish justice system before and after the coup d’etat
How to restore the rule of law in Turkey?

This press conference will take

on 11th October 2016 at 14:00
in the Palais de Justice of Brussels
Place Poelaert
1000 Brussels – BELGIUM

Edith Zeller, President of the European Association of Administrative Judges
Christophe Régnard, President of the European Association of Judges (EAJ)
Tamara Trotman, President of Judges for Judges
Gualtiero Michelini, President of Magistrats Européens pour la Démocratie et les Libertés (MEDEL)


AEAJ:Vlag Turkije